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How I Survived Exclusively Pumping

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

How to survive exclusive pumping with three little ones under four years old.

Exclusive pumping, breast pump, mom of little ones, breast milk, feeding infant.

Exclusive pumping is a full-time job, not for the faint of heart. I have had the honor to be able to give my children my milk and will never take it for granted. My reason for exclusive pumping: my milk did not come in soon enough. All of my children

had to supplement after the first few days of life because of no wet diapers. Once they understood the bottle was easier than nursing they refused to nurse. It was devastating but I moved forward and started just pumping. This third pumping journey will be my last and most successful one. There are a number of things I have learned. One huge tip is getting the proper flange size.

That is just one tip that will help with comfort and milk supply. Not all breast milk is created equal.


Get yourself a hands-free pumping bra this makes a world of a difference! You can text, scroll through your phone, and even cook. My Medela Maxi Swing makes it easy to be completely hands-free and be able to walk around with it on my neck I don't have to hold anything. There are many small but mighty pumps out there. I know a lot of people use Mom Cozy and Willow pumps.

Flange Sizing

My milk supply was lacking for my first two, I supplemented at least half of their bottles with formula. I was using anywhere from a 28mm-21mm flange size. This last go-round with pumping I decided to get sized and I am now a just enough-er (someone who makes 24-36 oz in 24 hours) giving my baby 32-36 oz of my milk! I purchased a flange mm ruler and did my own measurements. To my surprise, I am a size 19mm! Once I tried it out, there was no pain and I slowly started to see an increase in my supply. Flange size can change over time as well. Also, pumping lube with your flange helps so much.

"Breastmilk is important. But YOU are more important." – Amanda Glenn, CLC

Supportive Partner

Without my awesome husband, I wouldn't be able to pump as long as I have been. It isn't always convenient to pump and need to feed, change, or put the baby to sleep. There have been a few times I have spilled my milk because I am doing too much while pumping. Picking up the baby is one of them. This unicorn of mine does it all. He is a super dad! From about 1 month to the current date my husband has slept in the nursery with our daughter. He knows I pump at night. In the beginning, I was getting up 3-4 times a night to pump so I could increase my milk supply. Some nights he is up all night with the baby, and not once have I heard him complain or make me feel bad for not being in there. I could go on about this but, you really need a support person when it comes to pumping.

Note: When it is time to feed the baby, boppy pillows come in hand. You can pump hands-free and feed your baby in there. Our boppy has gotten a lot of use.

Hydration and Calories

Yes, water intake is important but you don't have to completely overdo it. If you are not hydrated then you will not produce as much. The same thing with calories, if you are not eating enough you are not going to make quite as much of that liquid gold. People swear by Body Armor which yes is good but, you don't need it. Coconut water and a hydration stick mix work well too. It just changes up the drinking so much water.

I made the mistake of trying to cut calories and diet. I want to lose this baby weight but, as soon as I cut those calories, I felt faint and my milk supply decreased for the next week! Proper nutrition and calorie intake are a must.

Don't buy into all the milk supply-increasing supplements. Most of those products just cause gas and sometimes even allergic reactions. I have tried so many!

Supply and Demand

The more often you empty your milk the more you will make. Power pumping works so well. It isn't instant that you see a supply increase but you will notice it slowly over time. When you are first trying to build a supply and start pumping, you will need to pump every 2-3 hours around the clock. Make sure you are getting rest this is where that supportive partner comes in. Once your milk supply is regulated which is normally around 3-4 months you can start slowly dropping a session each month.

Download a pumping app to keep track of your times and number of pumps along with ounces produced. Being able to see how much you have pumped and produced in a day is really encouraging, especially if your baby is going through it quickly and you don't a freezer stash like some are able to.

Note: Low supply can also be caused by medical issues.

Mental Health

What matters the most is you and your baby's being. If your mental health is being affected by pumping or it is just not working out for you there is always a formula! Fed is best! Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. Your bond with your child will be strong no matter if you give them formula, breast milk, nurse, combo feed, etc. Formula is very advanced these days and can be very close to breast milk. My mother was fed pet milk back when she was an infant and she has the strongest immune system I know of. Give yourself grace.


Disclaimer: This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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